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ParaDocs Health

Chronic Disease Management System for Primary Care 

ParaDocs harnesses patent-pending, NSF-awarded AI to transform chronic disease management system, enhancing operational efficiency & transparency in primary care settings. Our platform features an executive dashboard with real-time KPIs, targeted prescriptive analysis for closing care gaps, quality nudges for clinical notes, and advanced patient risk prediction. Tailored for value-based care models, ParaDocs significantly improves efficiency and patient outcomes, setting new standards in healthcare.

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Our Mission

ParaDocs Health is committed to restoring the patient-doctor relationship by alleviating administrative burdens in managing chronic diseases, improving quality and preventive medicine for better outcomes. 

Our mission is simple. No more paper, print, scan and fax. No more data hunting in the EMR. More meaningful patient visits, empathetic interactions, higher clinical judgement, and higher job satisfaction for all stakeholders involve in managing chronic diseases. Clinical staffs, Quality Team, Physicians and Executives. Work Less but Better.

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Get to Know Us

Our team consists of experienced professionals in both healthcare and technology, working together to create innovative solutions for the healthcare industry.

Meet the Team

Omar Mohtar_edited_edited_edited_edited_
Omar Mohtar, MD PhD

Founder & CEO



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Omar Mohtar, MD PhD - The Visionary 
Meet Omar, the maverick in the intersection of healthcare and technology. As the CEO of ParaDocs Health, his hands-on approach has propelled the company to the forefront of health IT innovation. His expertise in clinical practice and his pioneering research, recognized by a prestigious NSF SBIR award, underpin ParaDocs' mission to enhance healthcare delivery. With a focus on actionable insights and provider efficiency, he leads the charge in deploying technology that simplifies administrative workflows, ensuring that healthcare professionals can devote more time to patient care. Notably, both Omar and Dhini serve as founder-in-residence at Texas Medical Center Innovation, furthering their commitment to driving innovation in the healthcare space. 

Dhini Nasution, MD MAP

Co-Founder & COO

Clinical AI Lead​

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Dhini Nasution, MD MAP - The Strategist Executioner 
Meet Dhini, with her international background and a unique journey as a former clinical AI researcher for Babylon Health, brings a wealth of experience to ParaDocs. Her strategic mindset is a driving force behind translating the founders' vision into tangible steps. As a medical doctor with expertise in neuroscience, Dhini is instrumental in crafting the framework for our product. Having worked in the fast-paced environment of a unicorn startup like Babylon Health, Dhini learned to thrive amidst chaos while maintaining unwavering productivity. Her experience has been invaluable in accelerating the transition from idea to execution. Dhini's dedication to merging healthcare and technology makes her an indispensable part of the team. Dhini, alongside Omar, also serves as a founder-in-residence at Texas Medical Center Innovation, demonstrating their commitment to driving healthcare innovation. 

Dhini Nasution_edited_edited_edited_edit
Matt Segar_edited_edited_edited_edited_e
Matthew Segar, MD MS


Artificial Inteligence Lead 


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Matt Segar, MD MS - The Tech Guru 
Meet Matt,  with a remarkable journey that began with coding and programming at the age of 12, Matt has continued to excel academically, earning both a master degree in  bioinformatics and becoming an MD. As a cardiology fellow at the Texas Heart Institute, he achieved a significant milestone by creating a predictive model for heart disease in collaboration with THI. Matt's expertise spans both the realms of computer science and medicine, and his passion for both has been instrumental in leading the development of our AI model. His deep understanding of technology, combined with his medical insights, makes him a vital asset in the fusion of healthcare and cutting-edge AI. Matt's certifications, including being a certified Epic EHR analyst and builder, showcase his dedication to excellence.

Advisors and Mentors

Glenn Davis - Upscaled_edited_edited_edi

Glenn Davis MD

Cypress Physicians Association

Chief Medical Officer
Hamilton Health Box

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Maria Berdayes - Upscaled_edited.jpg

Maria Berdayes DO

Millenium Physicians

Medical Director
Millenium IPA

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Toby Hamilton - Upscaled_edited.jpg

Toby Hamilton MD

Chief Executive Officer
Hamilton Health Box

Executive Director

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Lance Black_edited.jpg

Lance Black MD

Chief Clinical Strategy
Prana Thoracic

Clinical Advisor
Texas Medical Center Innovation

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Kyle Robertson - Press Ganey_edited.jpg

Kyle Robertson 

Co-Founder and CEO 
NarrativeDx / Press Ganey

Entrepreneur, Inventor

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Chris King - Upscaled_edited.jpg

Christopher King MHA 

Chief Development Officer
Hamilton Health Box

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See Our Platform in Action

ParaDocs simplifies the administrative process for healthcare providers through advanced technology. Our system applies augmented intelligence to minimize manual paperwork and efficiently automates the reporting of services to health plans. This approach not only streamlines administrative tasks but also supplies healthcare providers with valuable data, assisting them in identifying and bridging care gaps to maintain and improve patient care quality.

Patent-Pending EMR Harmonization 


Imagine having a personal assistant who not only keeps track of all your important documents but learns to understand them in depth, constantly improving and adapting. Our tool does precisely that with Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). By seamlessly integrating with EMR systems meeting meaningful use requirements, it cultivates a rich understanding of the medical data available.  


NSF-Funded Intelligent Care Code Matching 

Navigating the complex language of healthcare coding can often feel like deciphering an ancient script. Thankfully, our system acts as a proficient translator, adept at reading through clinical notes and pinpointing the optimal care codes that correlate with the documented details. This feature, funded generously by the NSF, ensures a smooth translation process where nothing documented gets lost in code translation, promising more accurate and efficient healthcare communication. 


Hassle-Free Form Autofill

What if the tedious task of filling forms could be as easy as snapping your fingers? Our tool brings this dream to reality by automatically populating necessary forms for diverse health plans, effectively making paperwork a breeze. This innovative step cuts down the time typically spent on administrative tasks drastically, granting healthcare providers the precious gift of time - more moments to focus wholeheartedly on nurturing patient wellness. 


Insightful Monthly Reports 

Picture a friendly monthly update that keeps you informed and ahead in the Medicare Advantage space, without the data overload. Our system presents you with clear and concise reports, summarizing the work done, insights gained, and potential opportunities to explore. It specifically highlights care gaps to help doctors identify areas for improvement, thereby enhancing the quality of care for their patients.

Our Services

ParaDocs, a technology-enabled service provider, delivers a suite of solutions to revolutionize healthcare management. Our Automated Reporting employs augmented intelligence to streamline the alignment of clinical notes and codes, ensuring doctor-verified accuracy and enhancing clinical and fiscal transparency from documentation to billing. With automated health plan submissions and secure data transfers that are HIPAA compliant, protected by 256-SHA encryption, and involving no data storage, we ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your information.


Our Prescriptive Analytics provides physicians with actionable insights to identify and address care gaps, thereby improving patient care quality. Additionally, our Interoperability Solutions create a robust digital conduit between clinics, health plans, and MSOs, facilitating a transparent, audit-ready, and efficient exchange of data. Choose ParaDocs for a future where healthcare efficiency and accuracy are the norm

Augmented Automation

Harnesses the power of augmented intelligence, we meticulously analyze clinical patterns, seamlessly correlating clinical notes with their respective codes. Our tech-enabled service automates the submission of these documents and related codes directly to the relevant health plans, guaranteeing precision and streamlining the reporting process for enhanced operational efficiency.

Prescriptive Analytics

Our comprehensive data analytics service delves into the patient's health journey, offering doctors critical insights. By highlighting care gaps, we empower healthcare providers to enhance the quality of care, ensuring patients receive the most effective treatments and interventions tailored to their unique needs.


We forge a digital nexus that connects clinics, health plans, and Managed Service Organizations (MSOs), enabling the efficient and secure exchange of clinical data among all authorized parties. Our interoperability solutions are designed to facilitate a seamless flow of information, ensuring compliance, reducing the risk of errors, and enhancing the integrity of healthcare operations.

Data Delivery

ParaDocs ensures painless data delivery, upholding the highest standards of security and privacy. Our processes are fully HIPAA compliant, with a strict policy of not recording any Protected Health Information (PHI). All data is securely encrypted, providing peace of mind that your information is safeguarded throughout its journey.

Glenn Davis - Upscaled_edited_edited.jpg
"Working with ParaDocs allowed me to spend more time with patients and accurately fill out the necessary paperwork for reimbursment."

Dr. Glenn Davis, MD

President of Cypress Physicians Association  

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